About Destination Conservation
My efforts focus on community-based, locally managed conservation projects that address human needs and environmental issues. I believe empathy for people is essential for work in conservation and restoration because effective, long-term solutions revolve around local people with a vested interest in the project's success.
Most of the time, you will find me in central Ontario working at Fleming College's School of Environmental and Natural Resource Sciences or in the field surveying for amphibians and reptiles in a unique eco-tone between the St. Lawrence Lowlands and the Canadian Shield. My work in Costa Rica includes regular visits to the village of Parismina (since 2013) and Tirimbina Biological Reserve (since 2017). A project in Guyana (since 2019) is located in the most intact lowland, neo-tropical rainforest ecosystem outside of the Amazon basin where I work with Iwokrama International Centre for Rainforest Conservation and Development as well as Surama Eco-lodge.